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Ирландски моден стартъп с продукти „Athleisure“ за жени, специализиран във високо качество и устойчивост, търси европейски производител на дамско облекло

10-11-2023 год.
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Ирландски моден стартъп с продукти „Athleisure“ за жени, специализиран във високо качество и устойчивост, търси европейски производител на дамско облекло.

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Profile Number BRIE20231107021

The client is an Irish clothing brand, formed in 2023. The client's business is have extensive entrepreneurship and leadership experience in the fashion & retail sectors. Previously operating a successful boutique based in South Africa, the client has worked directly with top designers in South Africa. They have a key focus on offering a high quality, sustainable product to fashion conscious and trend setting women, and those who have found their style identity. The client's company provides a product that meets at the intersection of comfort and style, while delivering a high quality and sustainable garment.

The client is seeking to form a partnership agreement with a European manufacturer of women's apparel to scale their business. The client wishes to target and grow their presence in the Irish market, and has ambitions to grow the brand internationally in the future.

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